Before knowing your level of productivity in your business every day you should first think thoroughly about it. You should know the real meaning of productivity as a business is concerned. Productivity is the process where a person can efficiently have inputs converted to very useful outputs. So when considering your business productivity in debts collection terms, productivity means ensuring the processes of changing business invoices to cash is successful.
When you call your clients on matters concerning settling disputes, overdue invoices, giving the customer a way forward for a payment plan, among others, those are not the productivity levels expected by business owners. The reason is that all these processes use data, money, and time for consulting about late payments. However, there are few strategies that can be effective and more productive if well implement in collecting debts.
Strategies For Productive Debts Collection Process
1. Depend On One Communication Source
When using more communication sources like moving through the systems so you can look for the credit, contacts, shipping, customer, and sales among others, this might be time-wasting. The debt collectors always waste o=more time to gather information from different communication sources which are always available in any source of communication. The best way is for you as a debt collector, rely on one communication system that contains all the details of the debtors. When using an account receivable system, you are free to toss out the notes, post them, and spend your time well in collecting the debts. The Pay stream advisors have found out that the businesses that use multiple communication systems n collecting debts spend triple time to solicit the customers for paying the debts.
2. Major On The Priority Accounts
As business owners, you should be much concerned with the cash-flows since they are the main strongholds of the business. You should always focus on the accounts which need your attention more compared to the others. Such accounts can be those that have the orders being held due, contain many broken promises from the debtors, and they have more dollars that are outstanding among others. After trying your best convincing the debtors from those accounts to pay their overdue, then you can look after second attended account.
When you consider these ways, then you will be certain of going in the right direction. However, when having many invoices to manage and have less time to prioritize the account which needs more of your attention, you should do some clerical work even if it is time-consuming. Most businesses can have all these done only with the accounts receivable automatic systems is enabled. The process might easily eliminate all the consumed time and have you consider the things that are more important which including first considering huge outstanding invoices.
3. Ensure Every Conversation Is Important
You should know the ways which your clients like being contacted concerning invoices. You can find some people respond quickly through emails, while others are responsive to letters or through phone conversations. You can decide to note down ways of contacting your potential customers so you can address them through their most effective ways when they fail to pay the invoice on time. You should also consider the following:
• If you have the clients’ secondary contacts when the main contacts are on leave or away from the office
• You should have accounts receivables automatic management systems which can enable you to easily store notes like the ones which you all in the department are free to view.
• You should have collection email, letter, and the call scripts developed so you can be sure if the message being delivered is correct so you can realize faster collection and optimum impacts.
4. Maximize Your Time-Solving Disputes And Delinquent Customers
You should simply eliminate some available clerical works and have more energy and time to put your focus on settling disputes, delinquent customers, and learning the possible ways of avoiding such issues in the future. When you think of these, you will realize the 8 hours spent in your office will become much productive from the look on the metrics. The disputes are always supposed to be settled in three months’ time to prevent the company from losing its cash-flows. You should, however, focus on solving the disputes to prevent losing businesses’ cash-flows.
During the debts collection process, you need to focus onto the above strategies and you will realize an improvement in productivity. The invoices dint have to be paid immediately but with much convincing and the strategies named above, you will be sure to collect more than the expected and this will strengthen the business’s cash-flows.